

Motor Sport Medical

Complete Response Solutions Pty Ltd (CRS 24/7), has had hands-on experience in managing medical response services for motorsport meetings and other large events including sporting fixtures since 2003. CRS 24/7 can provide medical teams consisting of emergency doctors, anaesthetists, Registered Nurses, Registered Paramedics, and Advanced First Responders throughout New South Wales and ACT.  

No matter where our medical personnel operate, support is available from rapid response vehicles and an ambulance as well as free-standing medical facilities according to client and event requirements.

CRS247 specializes in larger events, in particular, high-risk events. Long-term relationships exist with the Wollongong Motor Cycle Club, St George Motor Cycle Club, and several other clubs and racetracks across the Greater Sydney Region each week. Events at each of these race tracks include high-risk Motocross, Sidecar, Sliders, flat track as well as training days. CRS247 paramedics operate at an ‘Advanced Life Support’ (ALS) level and meet the requirements of the state health department they operate within to carry and administer a range of pre-hospital emergency medications. Our ALS medics can provide a wide range of interventions including:

  • Inhaled and injectable pain relief
  • Intravenous (IV) drips and fluid
  • Advanced Airway Management
  • Seizures
  • Extensive Nausea / Vomiting
  • Drug overdoses
  • Cardiac
  • Advanced Cardiac Skills including Heart monitoring equipment
  • Medications for: Asthma
  • Medications for: Allergic Reactions
  • Medications for: Diabetic presentations 
  • Medications for: Cardiac problems / Cardiac Arrest

All CRS247 employees, including paramedics, are required to undertake regular skills refreshers and an ongoing professional development program internally. This is reviewed and all employees are accredited by an external agency. CRS247 deploy our paramedics as single-medic and two-medic teams to meet client and event needs. Our deployment capacity is scalable so no event is beyond Complete Response Solutions 247 capability.
